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module ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper::Base

Public instance methods

Alias for: default_url_options=.

Also aliased as: default_url_options.

Source code GitHub
# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/routing/mapper.rb, line 650
def default_url_options=(options)
  @set.default_url_options = options

Query if the following named route was already defined.

Source code GitHub
# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/routing/mapper.rb, line 662
def has_named_route?(name)

Matches a URL pattern to one or more routes.

You should not use the match method in your router without specifying an HTTP method.

If you want to expose your action to both GET and POST, use:

# sets :controller, :action, and :id in params
match ':controller/:action/:id', via: [:get, :post]

Note that :controller, :action, and :id are interpreted as URL query parameters and thus available through params in an action.

If you want to expose your action to GET, use get in the router:

Instead of:

match ":controller/:action/:id"


get ":controller/:action/:id"

Two of these symbols are special, :controller maps to the controller and :action to the controller’s action. A pattern can also map wildcard segments (globs) to params:

get 'songs/*category/:title', to: 'songs#show'

# 'songs/rock/classic/stairway-to-heaven' sets
#  params[:category] = 'rock/classic'
#  params[:title] = 'stairway-to-heaven'

To match a wildcard parameter, it must have a name assigned to it. Without a variable name to attach the glob parameter to, the route can’t be parsed.

When a pattern points to an internal route, the route’s :action and :controller should be set in options or hash shorthand. Examples:

match 'photos/:id', to: 'photos#show', via: :get
match 'photos/:id', controller: 'photos', action: 'show', via: :get

A pattern can also point to a Rack endpoint i.e. anything that responds to call:

match 'photos/:id', to: -> (hash) { [200, {}, ["Coming soon"]] }, via: :get
match 'photos/:id', to: PhotoRackApp, via: :get
# Yes, controller actions are just rack endpoints
match 'photos/:id', to: PhotosController.action(:show), via: :get

Because requesting various HTTP verbs with a single action has security implications, you must either specify the actions in the via options or use one of the HttpHelpers instead match


Any options not seen here are passed on as params with the URL.


The route’s controller.


The route’s action.


Overrides the default resource identifier :id (name of the dynamic segment used to generate the routes). You can access that segment from your controller using params[<:param>]. In your router:

    resources :users, param: :name

The `users` resource here will have the following routes generated for it:

    GET       /users(.:format)
    POST      /users(.:format)
    GET       /users/new(.:format)
    GET       /users/:name/edit(.:format)
    GET       /users/:name(.:format)
    PATCH/PUT /users/:name(.:format)
    DELETE    /users/:name(.:format)

You can override `ActiveRecord::Base#to_param` of a related model to
construct a URL:

    class User < ActiveRecord::Base
      def to_param

    user = User.find_by(name: 'Phusion')
    user_path(user)  # => "/users/Phusion"

The path prefix for the routes.


The namespace for :controller.

    match 'path', to: 'c#a', module: 'sekret', controller: 'posts', via: :get
    # => Sekret::PostsController

See `Scoping#namespace` for its scope equivalent.

The name used to generate routing helpers.


Allowed HTTP verb(s) for route.

    match 'path', to: 'c#a', via: :get
    match 'path', to: 'c#a', via: [:get, :post]
    match 'path', to: 'c#a', via: :all

Points to a Rack endpoint. Can be an object that responds to call or a string representing a controller’s action.

    match 'path', to: 'controller#action', via: :get
    match 'path', to: -> (env) { [200, {}, ["Success!"]] }, via: :get
    match 'path', to: RackApp, via: :get

Shorthand for wrapping routes in a specific RESTful context. Valid values are :member, :collection, and :new. Only use within resource(s) block. For example:

    resource :bar do
      match 'foo', to: 'c#a', on: :member, via: [:get, :post]

Is equivalent to:

    resource :bar do
      member do
        match 'foo', to: 'c#a', via: [:get, :post]

Constrains parameters with a hash of regular expressions or an object that responds to matches?. In addition, constraints other than path can also be specified with any object that responds to === (e.g. String, Array, Range, etc.).

    match 'path/:id', constraints: { id: /[A-Z]\d{5}/ }, via: :get

    match 'json_only', constraints: { format: 'json' }, via: :get

    class PermitList
      def matches?(request) request.remote_ip == '' end
    match 'path', to: 'c#a', constraints:, via: :get

See `Scoping#constraints` for more examples with its scope equivalent.

Sets defaults for parameters

    # Sets params[:format] to 'jpg' by default
    match 'path', to: 'c#a', defaults: { format: 'jpg' }, via: :get

See `Scoping#defaults` for its scope equivalent.

Boolean to anchor a match pattern. Default is true. When set to false, the pattern matches any request prefixed with the given path.

    # Matches any request starting with 'path'
    match 'path', to: 'c#a', anchor: false, via: :get

Allows you to specify the default value for optional format segment or disable it by supplying false.

Source code GitHub
# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/routing/mapper.rb, line 587
def match(path, options = nil)

Mount a Rack-based application to be used within the application.

mount SomeRackApp, at: "some_route"

For options, see match, as mount uses it internally.

All mounted applications come with routing helpers to access them. These are named after the class specified, so for the above example the helper is either some_rack_app_path or some_rack_app_url. To customize this helper’s name, use the :as option:

mount(SomeRackApp, at: "some_route", as: "exciting")

This will generate the exciting_path and exciting_url helpers which can be used to navigate to this mounted app.

Source code GitHub
# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/routing/mapper.rb, line 605
        def mount(app = nil, deprecated_options = nil, as: DEFAULT, via: nil, at: nil, defaults: nil, constraints: nil, anchor: false, format: false, path: nil, internal: nil, **mapping, &block)
          if deprecated_options.is_a?(Hash)
            as = assign_deprecated_option(deprecated_options, :as, :mount) if deprecated_options.key?(:as)
            via ||= assign_deprecated_option(deprecated_options, :via, :mount)
            at ||= assign_deprecated_option(deprecated_options, :at, :mount)
            defaults ||= assign_deprecated_option(deprecated_options, :defaults, :mount)
            constraints ||= assign_deprecated_option(deprecated_options, :constraints, :mount)
            anchor = assign_deprecated_option(deprecated_options, :anchor, :mount) if deprecated_options.key?(:anchor)
            format = assign_deprecated_option(deprecated_options, :format, :mount) if deprecated_options.key?(:format)
            path ||= assign_deprecated_option(deprecated_options, :path, :mount)
            internal ||= assign_deprecated_option(deprecated_options, :internal, :mount)
            assign_deprecated_options(deprecated_options, mapping, :mount)

          path_or_action = at

          if app.nil?
            hash_app, hash_path = mapping.find { |key, _| key.respond_to?(:call) }
            mapping.delete(hash_app) if hash_app

            app ||= hash_app
            path_or_action ||= hash_path

          raise ArgumentError, "A rack application must be specified" unless app.respond_to?(:call)
          raise ArgumentError, <<~MSG unless path_or_action
            Must be called with mount point

              mount SomeRackApp, at: "some_route"
              mount(SomeRackApp => "some_route")

          rails_app = rails_app? app
          as = app_name(app, rails_app) if as == DEFAULT

          target_as = name_for_action(as, path_or_action)
          via ||= :all

          match(path_or_action, to: app, as:, via:, defaults:, constraints:, anchor:, format:, path:, internal:, **mapping, &block)

          define_generate_prefix(app, target_as) if rails_app
Source code GitHub
# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/routing/mapper.rb, line 655
def with_default_scope(scope, &block)
  scope(**scope) do

Definition files